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  • Does D.J. Morris Contracting do septic pumping?
    No, unfortunately we do not do septic pumping as of right now.
  • What services do D.J. Morris Contracting offer?
    Our specialty is in the construction of septic systems, residential and commercial. We will recommend an engineer and provide a mini exc. for soil testing. We have installed all types of systems from conventional, to alternative systems, which include Fast, Drip, Presby, and Bioclere, Infultrator systems, etc. We also replace D-boxes and make minor pipe repairs. We are licensed in most towns in our local area and have excellent working relationships with engineers. ​ ​ ​ ​ Other services provided: Water service installation and repair Full site work Drainage solutions and installation Foundations excavated, poured and backfilled Driveway preparation, top dressing with stone Stump removal Loam spreading and grading.
  • Where does D.J. Morris Contracting offer septic and site services?
    Our primary areas of service are towns around Wayland and Sudbury. Please call or email us to see if we are certified in your town.
  • What are the office hours for D.J. Morris Contracting?
    Our general office hours are from 7:00AM - 6:30PM

D.J. Morris Contracting

"Getting it done since 1979"
P. O. Box: 778
9 Old County Rd. Sudbury MA.

(Gps) 23 Old County Rd. Sudbury Ma

"We are HERE for you, all the time" click one of the links below to get in contact with us!

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